SURVEY OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICSA COMPLETE ONLINE COURSE OUTLINE AND STUDY GUIDEThe following list includes 14 learning modules that cover a one-semester course introducing international trade and international finance principles. It is based on an intermediate course taught at George Washington University requiring principles of micro and macroeconomics as prerequisites. Instructors and students are welcome to use the material freely with appropriate attribution. - Steven Suranovic
Lecture VideosThe following lecture videos were recorded in the Fall of 2016. Instructors and students are welcome to use the material freely.
OVERVIEWThis one-semester survey of international economics course consists of a half semester of international trade and a half semester of international finance. It is designed to be covered in 14 weeks with in class presentations between 90 and 120 minutes per week. Topics include measurement of national welfare, trade imbalances, exchange rate theories, motivations and effects of trade and trade policies, and international economic institutions. LEARNING OUTCOMES